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Author Profile

I’m Olivia Flores Ortiz, and I run the show at Snake Hawk Press. Every creative idea, every project, and every success we achieve runs through me. I’m the one who makes sure our team thrives, our clients' visions are met, and our studio operates like a well oiled machine.
Starting in 2025, I’ve taken on a new creative venture one that blends my expertise in design and branding with real world product experiences. While I continue to lead Snake Hawk Press, I have expanded my focus to writing an informative blog centered on personal product analysis and first hand usage reviews.
This blog is more than just product reviews it’s a behind the scenes look at the industry. A resource for those who want to find the best tools for their work. And a platform to share real, experience driven insights. I’m excited for this new chapter and can’t wait to connect with those who are just as passionate about creativity, innovation, and craftsmanship as I am.
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